Poodles and
Perm Regd.

Welcome to our "Extended Family" page
Luxembourg & International Junior Champion
Aviator Esprit's Kiss Me!

Born: February 8th, 2022
Gio left Canada to start a new life in Spain with her wonderful owner, Marina. I traveled to Madrid to see Gio debut at the World Dog Show in June. We are grateful to the judges for awarding Gio a very promising puppy certificate. Gio is maturing nicely, growing lots of hair, and getting ready to be shown very soon!
We wish Marina and Gio lots of luck at the future shows.
Ch Aviator Esprit's Karmas Kiss NTD

Born: February 8th, 2022
River resides in Ontario with his owner and handler Chelsea. We are pleased to announce that River is a new Canadian champion. We are incredibly proud of Chelsea, River is her first show dog and she is doing an amazing job in some stiff competition in Ontario.
Aviator's Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
"George Michael"

Born: July 13th, 2021
George Michael is from our Elton John-themed litter he resides in Calgary with his owner Crystal. GM and Crystal are involved in many canine activities including Stand Up Paddle Board, and Obedience he is also working on his Service Dog certification.
GM and Crystal recently achieved his Novice Sprinter title. We are very proud of GM and we look forward to seeing what Crystal has planned for him in the future.
BPIS Ch Esprit Aviator The Lucky One

Born: August 14th, 2023
Frankie is from our Taylor Swift RED-themed litter that was co-bred with Isabelle Loranger and Amanda Campbell. Frankie resides in Edmonton with his owner Sheryll Ford.
Ch Esprit Aviator Don't Pity The Dead

Born: August 14th, 2023
Eerie is also from our Taylor Swift RED-themed litter that was co-bred with Isabelle Loranger and Amanda Campbell. Eerie resides in the Vancouver area, she is co-owned by Morgan Tilstra and Isabelle Loranger.